I've started a new website for my artwork and stuff! check out the best website online well actually newgrounds is the best but drop by if you get the chance every like is appreciated greatly:
I like video games, art, and animation
Age 28, Male
dantes inferno
Joined on 3/14/13
Posted by aaaaaammjhhh - March 31st, 2014
I've started a new website for my artwork and stuff! check out the best website online well actually newgrounds is the best but drop by if you get the chance every like is appreciated greatly:
Posted by aaaaaammjhhh - April 26th, 2013
Please enjoy :3 if you want to follow visit hamburgerguy deviant art.com or aaaaaammjhhh.newgrounds.com/follow
<a submition to the art portal would really help me out because even posting my best artwork I run out of room I recently had to delete 10 pages just to fit my best art of the month in there~I love 3d art as ive said before
Sadly I probably wont be submiting art here that much because I have a 20 page art limit if but you want to see my other art i couldnt fit in here check out my deviantart page uptop^ my normal everyday art sketches are somewhere in my featured artwork, my masterpieces are most likley at the top of the page, and any dirty artwork is on my personal page under my browser not to be submited to deviant art,because deviant art doesn't allow nudity -dont ask me why, still workin away at posting all my art 1998-now I got to much art, theres never such thing as to much art =)
anyway please enjoy
With awesomness from aaaaaammjhhh and happy pico day 2013